
Strapi enable plugin

Strapi enable plugin. js and enable the plugin by adding the following snippet: Jan 7, 2023 · Hey, I’m new to strapi and saw that people have been struggling to have proper lifecycle hooks for the past ~1. js file and add the netlify-deployments entry: Enable localization for this field (if the Internationalization plugin is installed and localization is enabled for the content-type) Allow the field to have a different value per locale. A Strapi-maintained color picker custom field. Using either the Media Library from the admin panel or the upload API directly, you can upload any kind of file for use in your Strapi application. 2. id}, {code: 123456}); Then write the code to send a text message to the user (I suppose the user will have a phone field) So with user. Alternatively, you can run Strapi in development mode with the --watch-admin option: yarn develop --watch-admin. 0 Operating System: Ubuntu Database: sqlite Node Version: 18. yarn strapi generate. x consists in the following steps: optionally, migrating the back-end code if the plugin interacts with Strapi's back end, optionally, migrating the front-end code if the plugin interacts with the admin panel, and enabling the plugin. This plugin allows you to easily consume forms from your front end and automatically reject spam, send out notifications, and store the data in your database. 1, last published: a month ago. 3 NPM Version: v6. 4 KB. Dec 14, 2023 · The Strapi Content Builder Plugin provides a centralized hub for managing content schemas like product information, categories, cart details, payment details, and so on. Start using strapi-plugin-vercel-deploy in your project by running `npm i strapi-plugin-vercel-deploy`. -p, --pretty Format the output JSON with indentation and line breaks (default: false) You signed in with another tab or window. Create or modify file config/plugins. Product. Mandatory settings are marked with *. Add a comment. After finding for 5 hours, you are my hero. ⚙️ Installation # if you use NPM npm install strapi-plugin-placeholder # if you use Yarn yarn add strapi-plugin-placeholder 🔧 Configuration Enable The Plugin. Improve this page. Not sure how you deployed it etc. 0. If Jul 3, 2023 · Follow the steps below to set up permissions for Amazon S3. Simply type in a location and select it from an autocomplete dropdown list. To access the plugin admin panel, click on the Settings link in the left menu of your Strapi Dec 20, 2018 · Otherwise, you can follow the few steps below to use the new Documentation plugin. update ( {id: user. Plugin Preview. MIT license 18 stars 3 forks Branches Tags Activity. Click on the Download button in the chosen plugin's box. The api_key: The master or private key as the plugin requires administration permission on Meilisearch. Jan 13, 2022 · If you have PostgreSQL deployed, check your Strapi settings (Settings -> Users & Permissions Plugin -> Roles -> Permissions -> name of your collection type) and see if the checkboxes are unchecked and try to check them back. Each provider has its own specific set of configurations Aug 2, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: Operating System: Database: Node Version: NPM Version: Yarn Version:</details> Hi, i already enabled the one time routes, controllers and services. or just run Strapi in the development mode with --watch-admin option: yarn develop --watch-admin. I found one solution including database hooks but that didn’t allow me to access the ctx object which provides more detailed information about the request and response. This plugin automatically generates and updates a comprehensive documentation for the APIs created within Strapi. Choose the date and time of publication and choose when to archive your page. exports = {. The Stripe Payments plugin enables you to accept debit and credit card payments on your Strapi website or app. Restarted the server. Sannad_Bilal December 11, 2023, 8:10am 1. There is 1 other project in the npm registry using strapi-plugin-netlify-deployments. May 23, 2022 · Learn more about server customization in a Strapi v4 plugin. The plugin will then programmatically generate documentation to match Jun 1, 2022 · The Internationalization plugin is installed by default on all Strapi applications running on version 3. By default Strapi does not create plugins folder so we need to create it. I’m working on a content type inside a plugin and when generating the content type allowed to generate the bootstrap. npm run strapi generate content-type. yarn strapi generate content-type. yarn add @notum-cz/strapi-plugin-content-versioning. You created a Strapi project. x to v4. Although we have multiple ways to start a new Strapi project like the starter CLI, the fastest way to do this is to install it via the Strapi Command Line Interface (CLI). ts. Past the content of your downloaded service account json file into FCM Plugin Configuration > serviceAccount. npm i -S strapi-plugin-email-designer@latest. A plugin to enable integrating Elasticsearch with Strapi CMS. I am trying a develop a plugin using strapi CLI. To enable and configure a provider: Go to the Users & Permissions plugin > Providers sub-section of the settings interface. go to tab Advanced settings and check it off Enable Mar 7, 2023 · Rich version of CKEditor in Strapi offers a wide range of features # How to enable CKEditor in Strapi. The browser should make an OPTIONS request to check if your request is allowed: 836×215 21. There may also be times when you’re using a proprietary tool or library that may need to talk to the content in Strapi in unique ways. phone you will get the phone number and by installing and Dec 2, 2021 · 1. npx create-strapi-app book-store-backend --quickstart. This plugin enables you to track errors in your Strapi application using Sentry. 4+ and offer powerful API to create highly customizable fields. Fill in the provider's configurations. There is 1 other project in the npm registry using @strapi/plugin-documentation. Make sure the SSO feature is enabled in the admin panel. or. Click Generate New Private Key, then confirm by clicking Generate Key. // . There is 1 other project in the npm registry using strapi-plugin-vercel-deploy. Latest version: 4. NOTE: While this plugin may work with the older Strapi versions, they are not supported, it is always recommended to use the latest version of Strapi. In order to start making changes in the plugin you first need to install Strapi infrastructure on top of the plugin repository. A plugin for Strapi CMS that generates blurhash for your uploaded images. Get started on Strapi Cloud ☁️. Depending on these steps, some actions can only be done manually Oct 24, 2022 · Configure Permissions for Public and Authenticated Users. 5 Operating System: MacOS Catalina v10. Jun 18, 2021 · Strapi Internationalization ( i18n ) Plugin. Here, we'll do both: # yarn. To add a custom CKEditor field in Strapi, all you need to do is follow a couple of simple steps. Mar 21, 2023 · Strapi Plugin Users Permissions. next. Select a different (possibly unconfigured) locale in the Internationalization section on the right sidebar. none. enabled: Enable or disable CRON jobs to schedule jobs at specific dates. via npm: 1 npm i @geeky-biz/strapi-plugin-elasticsearch. # npm. A release can contain entries from different content types and can mix locales. /bluedolphin Install the plugin in your Strapi project. If the API is created with the above flow, the API on the configuration screen at the following URL will be disabled by default. What is Strapi Plugin Users Permissions? This is the Strapi’s internal way of handling Users and Permissions, in which the supported OAuth2/OpenID Connect providers are implemented. via yarn: 1 yarn add @geeky-biz/strapi-plugin-elasticsearch Plugin Configuration. Enable the plugin by adding it to the plugins configurations file: 1. Mar 25, 2022 · Can you give more information on this? I am trying to make the login and register API take a bearer token in the headers. Within your Strapi project's config/plugin. Additional plugins that you can use to extend and customize your Strapi applications are available in the Marketplace. env file at the root of my project. By default Strapi provides a provider that uploads files to a local Oct 17, 2022 · This plugin allows you to either cache your data on your application's memory with InMemory cache, with Redis, a third-party database or Couchbase cache. Community Packages Plugins. io. If CORS policy works ok, then you should see something like in the screenshot below. 15. Enable the fuzzy-search plugin in the . To install a new plugin via the Marketplace: Go to General > Marketplace. Switch to your terminal and navigate to the Strapi application directory. Strapi Plugin to schedule publish and depublish actions for any collection type. Strapi gives developers the freedom to use their favorite tools and frameworks while allowing editors to easily manage their content and distribute it anywhere. Community Edition. Click Create group and name it. Manually create files and folders for /src/api/**. Our vision is to enable everyone to extend their Strapi application, customize and integrate it with other tools. Start using strapi-plugin-preview-button in your project by running `npm i strapi-plugin-preview-button`. May 23, 2022 · You can create a new collection-type using the generate CLI command or by directly creating/updating the necessary files in your code editor. npm run strapi generate plugin. Meet Strapi Market, the official marketplace listing all Strapi plugins. This section is a reference guide to the pre-installed plugins and additional plugins developed by Strapi, which are available in the Marketplace. As we all know, SEO analysis shows your website's strengths and weaknesses, and with this plugin, you can directly access that. Strapi Interface. To start developing a Strapi plugin, you need to: create the plugin, enable the plugin, install dependencies, build the admin panel, and start the server (s). Enter your Stripe API credentials. 2, last published: 2 months ago. "name": "strapi-test", Supported Strapi Versions. – Pranat Pannao. Click Create group. This plugin only supports Strapi v4. Middleware that filters only relevant versions on the list. Stop the Strapi development server by pressing Ctrl plus C on your keyboard. The role-based access control we talked about earlier also plays a huge role in ensuring that only authorized users can modify critical ecommerce data, like cart items or Configuration. It leverages the Swagger UI framework to provide a user-friendly interface where developers can Generate a plugin: cd my-app. 2 strapi 4. cd strapi. Example of a controller: async create(ctx) { const response These plugins are essential for your Strapi application to function and cannot be uninstalled. 5 years, which seemed to work in the past. Maximum length: Tick to define a maximum number of characters allowed. Enable this plugin by Oct 17, 2022 · Strapi REST Cache Plugin caches incoming GET requests on the Strapi API based on query params and model ID. txt file. This is an official plugin, provided to you by the CKEditor team 👋. . See the Quick Start Guide, the user guide for the Users & Permissions plugin, and API tokens configuration documentation for more details. Custom controller that manages saving and creating new versions. Strapi plugin strapi-plugin-elasticsearch. yarn add @ckeditor/strapi-plugin-ckeditor The Quickstart command installs Strapi using a SQLite database which is used for prototyping in development. Open/create file config/plugins. You will have to enter the Oct 13, 2020 · Here you will have to generate a code and update the current user with this code. Ably is a messaging platform for real-time data delivery. 3. 22. Schedule when you want to publish your content. Strapi is the leading open-source headless Content Management System. Click Next: Tags. Open the entity that you want to translate. you may need also to add to the unlayer domain to the Content Security Policy. js, you would need to name your file strapi-server. Plugin name todo. Components placed on the side panel that are injected into ‘informations First, you need to configure credentials via the Strapi config, or on the plugin page. Update the config file config/middlewares. And then choose the plugin and name it anything you like. Click on the provider to enable and configure. Awesome SEO allows you to view the results of your website's SEO analysis. 5. Here are some best practices to help in securing your Strapi API application: Enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing): Configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers on the API server to control which domains can access the API. That's it! Installation. Jun 1, 2022 · To access the plugin admin panel, click on the Settings link in the left menu and then everything will be under the USERS & PERMISSIONS PLUGIN section. Start using strapi-plugin-netlify-deployments in your project by running `npm i strapi-plugin-netlify-deployments`. The Upload plugin is the backend powering the Media Library plugin available by default in the Strapi admin panel. If your Strapi server is using Typescript, make sure that you name your extension files accordingly. The Comments plugin should appear in the Plugins section of Strapi sidebar after you run app again. This article will explore the Strapi REST Cache Plugin and how to cache data in our Strapi application. Configuration. The plugin configuration is stored in a config file located at . Nov 8, 2020 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: v3. 8 Yarn Version: v1. ☑️ Prerequisites. As a next step you must configure your the plugin by the way you want to. Choose the Plugins tab to browse available plugins or the Providers tab to browse available providers. For lower versions, a migration is needed (see Update Strapi version (opens new window) in the developer documentation), as well as a manual installation of the plugin (see Installing plugins via the Marketplace). Users & Permissions plugin. Add environment variables to the Strapi Cloud project. /config/plugins. Then, rebuild the admin dashboard using the following command. So instead of strapi-server. js as: 10. npx create-strapi-app@latest my-project. Click on auth0 and this will open a modal where we will enable all the necessary Auth0 details. It can also configure your website's URL link in Strapi. For your frontend to have access to the API, enable the following permissions for Ratings from Users & Permissions Plugin on your project settings: For public, enable: count, find, getPageSize and getStats. npx create-strapi-app --quickstart strapi. Create a database for Strapi to use CREATE DATABASE strapi; then close the Cloud Shell. We will be running our Strapi project locally. Options: -f, --file <file> Output file, default output is stdout. yarn develop. 2. Click the link for Translate from another locale in the Translate section on the right sidebar. npm install strapi-plugin-ratings. js. You switched accounts on another tab or window. I try to load this value in my React component (plugins/myPluginName Aug 25, 2022 · To create the basic plugin files, we will use strapi CLI command which is really simple. yarn strapi generate plugin. Removed cache and node_modules. Dumps configurations to a file or stdout to help you migrate to production. Defines the proxy agent for all external requests made within strapi. Enable the plugin in config/plugins. Send Strapi application errors as events to Sentry. strapi configuration:dump. The dump format will be a JSON array. The Firebase Auth plugin should now be available in the Plugins section of your Strapi sidebar. Next, install the GraphQL plugin to add GraphQL support to this Strapi app. Include additional metadata in Sentry events to assist in debugging. Reload to refresh your session. mkdir -p src/plugins. The @strapi/plugin-documentation is a powerful npm package designed to work seamlessly with Strapi, an open-source headless CMS. 6 Database: MongoDB Node Version: v12. You signed out in another tab or window. May 22, 2022 · From there, you can simply generate a plugin using the generate CLI command. If installed, the Documentation plugin will inspect content types and routes found on all APIs in your project and any plugin specified in the configuration. Documentation plugin. Custom fields are supported since Strapi 4. Home Page: Settings Page: Installation Install dependency. To configure SSO on your application, you will need an EE license with a Gold plan. For example, with Microsoft (Azure) Active Directory, you must first ask someone with the right permissions to add Strapi to Dec 11, 2023 · Strapi plugin path issue. Releases enables content managers to organize entries into containers that can perform publish and unpublish actions simultaneously. To install this plugin, you need to add an NPM dependency to your Strapi application: # Using Yarn yarn add @strapi/plugin-color-picker # Or using NPM npm install @strapi/plugin-color-picker Then, you'll need to build your admin panel: Strapi v4 plugin to trigger and monitor a deployment on Netlify. The new Design System and Plugin API introduced with Strapi v4, enable all Strapi users to quickly build the plugin they need or install the Keywords. enabled: true, config: {. 11. docs. Share. Then, choose appropriate policies under Policy Name: Search for s3 and check AmazonS3FullAccess. ️ Note By default, the REST API responses only include top-level fields and does not populate any relations, media fields, components, or dynamic zones. 0, last published: 2 days ago. More about permissions here. js and enable the plugin by adding the following snippet: module . Select the desired source to translate from. Setting up the plugin is super easy and can be completed within 10 minutes. From the admin panel, administrators are allowed to Feb 28, 2022 · Creating a new custom role for each user is simple with the Strapi Admin dashboard. go to admin > Content Type Builder > choose content type > click to button Add another field (to this collection type) > select tab CUSTOM > click on slug plugin tile > add name to field label > click on button finish > click on button save. After installing the plugin, you can start your Strapi server. 12. A plugin for Strapi CMS that adds a preview button and live view button to the content manager edit view. Make sure Strapi is part of the applications you can access with your provider. 1️⃣ Install the latest version: npm install strapi@alpha -g. 4. Create some products, for which the plugin will automtically generate the payment button code. 2️⃣ Generate a new project and follow the Oct 11, 2023 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. Start using @strapi/plugin-documentation in your project by running `npm i @strapi/plugin-documentation`. It’s 100% JavaScript, fully customizable and developer-first. Nov 25, 2022 · 1. This is a plugin for Strapi that adds a custom location field. Latest version: 1. query ('user', 'users-permissions'). To be used if the Strapi project is behind a forward proxy. Strapi Location Field Plugin. To set permissions: Navigate to Settings > Users & Permissions plugin > Roles. Mar 23, 2022 · 1. Install the Provider Plugin Using either npm or yarn, install the provider plugin in your local Strapi project as a package dependency by following the instructions in the respective entry for that provider in the Marketplace. This section focuses on how to install and manage these additional plugins. Navigate to Overview and copy Server name and Server admin login name. npm i @notum-cz/strapi-plugin-content-versioning. It is a pre-trained generative chat, which makes use of (NLP) Natural Language Processing. This package provides a custom field for Strapi that lets you use and configure CKEditor in no time. It allows developers to connect a Sep 13, 2022 · We need a Strapi app to test, if you need help creating a new Strapi application, follow the steps in the Strapi documentation. Strapi plugin Color Picker. Make sure to set the appropriate permissions for the search route in the Permissions tab of the Users & Permission Plugin for the role to be able to access the search route. In my use case, I need to log which user accessed / changed the Jun 1, 2022 · To enable and configure a provider: Go to the Users & Permissions plugin > Providers sub-section of the settings interface. js` 'use strict'; module. 4</details> I develop a Strapi local plugin but I’m unable to retrieve variable defined in my . exports = { // placeholder : { enabled : true , config : { size : 10 , } , } , } ; For more information regarding the size param, refer to the Plaiceholder docs . It's highly recommended to explore the official ckeditor documentation Migrating a plugin from Strapi v3. js like this. The schema and API endpoint documentation for menus will only be generated by the Strapi documentation plugin if menus is included in the documentation plugin config, like the example below. 0 or higher. Run the following command in your Strapi project to install netlify-deployments: 1 2 3 yarn add strapi-plugin-netlify-deployments # or npm i -S strapi-plugin-netlify-deployments Enable plugin configuration. In order to configure the Firebase Auth plugin, follow these steps: Step 1 - Enable the Plugin Discover and install built-in and 3rd-party plugins: User Guide > Plugins: Developer: Setup, configure, and use Strapi built-in plugins: Dev Docs > Using plugins: Developer: Create my own plugin and submit it to the Marketplace: Dev Docs > Developing plugins: Developer: Extend an existing plugin to customize it for a specific Strapi project️ Jun 1, 2022 · Click on the icon next to the name of a plugin to be redirected to the plugin package in the Strapi GitHub repository. Go to Public and enable the following actions for the User under Users-permissions. To enable this feature just change/add the "tracing": true option in the GraphQL settings file. You can read more about the tracing feature from Apollo here (opens new window). Star Notifications This plugin uses Pinecone to find similarities and generate text on the basis of that. It also provides an access-control list (ACL) strategy that enables you to manage permissions between groups of users. graphql: {. I specify the settings according to the instructions. 14. js, enable the plugin and provide the Aug 23, 2022 · Automatically create Strapi APIs with CI/CD. 1. exports = { keycloak: { enabled: true, }, }; Create config/keycloak. Unleash content. The GraphQL Playground is enabled by default for both the development and staging environments but disabled in production environments. The Documentation plugin is useful to document the available endpoints once you created an API. Objective: The objective of ez forms is to have a really simple and fast way to integrate forms with notifications without a lot CKEditor 5 custom field for Strapi. 6. 0 Yarn Version: n/a</details> Hello, I am in the process of creating a plugin for the admin dashboard within my Strapi project. The cache is automatically busted every time a PUT, POST, or DELETE request comes in. Open the Azure Cloud Shell and log into the mysql CLI: mysql --host <server> --user <username> -p. fetch method (used for licenses check, telemetry and webhooks). Open config/plugins. await strapi. In the provider edition window, click on the ON button of the Enable option. {. Now after generating plugin, when I add its configuration in config/plugins. Unable to change email configuration. js and configure Keycloak accordingly: Strapi plugin scheduler. That did the trick for me. During the development process I am trying to debug some code but Webpack outputs a minified bundle so I am wanting to Enable menus in Documentation plugin. Set the playgroundAlways configuration option to true to also enable the GraphQL Playground in production environments (see plugins configuration documentation). The Internationalization plugin gives Strapi application admins the feature to create, manage and distribute localized content across different languages, also known as locales. Options/Config. Open or create the file config/plugins. Strapi builds and maintains plugins that extend the functionality of a core Strapi application. The credentials are composed of: The host: The url to your running Meilisearch instance. # Concept When this plugin is installed, it adds an access layer on your application. Jul 7, 2022 · If Strapi itself doesn't provide the functionality, you need to manage your data; you can usually find a pre-made plugin that does, and you can easily add such plug-ins to your setup. You will get a code in your terminal like this: 1. module. Installation. Choose an available plugin/provider and click on the Copy install command button. Each provider has its own specific set of configurations Feb 24, 2022 · A big help in creating our plugin is the new Plugin API that is useful when working with Strapi’s core code without needing to rewrite files. exports = { documentation: { config: { 'x-strapi-config Upload plugin. npm run build Configurarion. As Strapi is secure by default, we cannot access data from the API unless we enable permissions. Install the package with your preferred package manager using one of the commands bellow: 1. Setting up the environment. From your Strapi admin dashboard, click on Settings→Users & Permissions plugin →Providers. By using the Sentry plugin you can: Initialize a Sentry instance upon startup of a Strapi application. Which changes are needed? We will need to edit multiple files for the provider to work, just follow along ;) Prepare the changes Jun 1, 2022 · For example, you can enable the tracing feature, which is supported by the playground to track the response time of each part of your query. Jun 6, 2022 at 17:20. 0 NPM Version: 9. (The checkbox for Authority for Role is unchecked). Once you are logged in as Admin, go to Settings → Click on Roles under “Users & Permissions” → Click on “Add Role” and fill out the fields on Roles under the “Users and Permissions” tab → Click on “Add Role” and fill out the fields provided. strapi. Required field: Tick to prevent creating or saving an entry if the field is not filled in. 4. In the Firebase console, open Settings > Service Accounts. Expose a global Sentry service. Latest version: 2. Among the available plugin, choose the one you wish to install. No need to define permissions but you can enable or disable authentication. Set Allow access to Azure services to Yes and click Save. Installation npm install strapi-plugin-transformer # OR yarn add strapi-plugin-transformer Configuration. Administrators can access Releases from Releases in the main navigation of the admin panel. Nov 30, 2021 · Plugin API: create plugins in a breeze. boolean Nov 22, 2020 · Can you open the developer tools in your browser and look at the Network tab when you request your backend from the frontend. LangChain is a framework for developing applications powered by language models. 1. The autocomplete functionality is powered by the Google Places API, which requires an API key. See Configuration section. Strapi is the leading open-source Headless CMS. First, install the CKEditor plugin in your Strapi app: npm install @ckeditor/strapi-plugin-ckeditor. The Placeholder plugin is only compatible with Strapi v4. OpenAI ChatGPT is an AI chatbot auto-generative system created by Open AI for online customer care. Use the CLI to create a project: Create the plugin using the CLI generator. Click to Add user to group and check the Developers group to add the new user. I named it “reminderapp” here. js of your Strapi project. This plugin provides a full authentication process based on JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to protect your API. 0, last published: a year ago. 12. Strapi v4 plugin to trigger and monitor a deployment on Vercel. Step 2: Set up the GraphQL plugin. Awesome SEO. This plugin uses Ably to publish & subscribe the tokens from strapi to ChatBot. # or. Paste and run the copied install command. In any case, the default plugin configuration is used. (like in the picture below, then you may need to restart the server) In the same interface The plugin uses Strapi custom fields API and CKEditor dll build The plugin configuration should be defined in the /config/ckeditor. 10. This plugin Jul 11, 2022 · Step 1: Scaffolding a Strapi Project. A Strapi plugin to enable a custom location field with autocomplete input License. 18. General Options Configure the provider in your local Strapi project. This helps prevent unauthorized access from malicious websites. 17. Do you know how to do that? . Run this command: npm run strapi generate. node v14. string: cron: Cron configuration (powered by node-schedule) object: cron. From the Releases view, it is possible to: Strapi Forms Plugin. /bluedolphin $ cd backend /bluedolphin/backend $ yarn strapi install graphql. js and include the following code snippet: 1. Choose "plugin" from the list, press Enter and name the plugin wysiwyg. Go to the Marketplace. This command, allows you to generate APIs, controllers, content types, plugins, policies, middlewares, and services for your Strapi project. Our vision is to enable every Strapi user to extend and customize their application using plugins and integrations with other tools. Create an OpenAPI Document and visualize your API with SWAGGER UI. This plugin allows you to either cache your data on your application's memory with InMemory cache, with Redis, a third-party database or Couchbase cache. Oct 25, 2021 · Well you want to run development mode locally and not on a hosted environment like yarn develop or npm run develop etc to run the local development server. To install the plugin run npm i @webbio/strapi-plugin-scheduler or yarn add @webbio Open or create the file config/plugins. There are no other projects in the npm registry using strapi-plugin-preview Install the plugin in your Strapi project: yarn add @rieset/strapi-plugin-keycloak. We want to scale the Strapi ecosystem to let users choose among a big variety of high-quality plugins and to let plugin creators showcase their work. js (create the file if it does not exist so far): module. gw jk ay dn gk jp xs uo bc bw