Sillytavern repetition penalty

Sillytavern repetition penalty. Branch: release; Describe the problem. 1. I've never considered going anywhere near 1. Defaults to bos_token_id as defined in the Here are the transformer docs . Temperature might need to be lowered some more since it keeps making up new things, but that's to be expected with the little information I've given the AI. Only buy what each user needs. As for which API to choose, for beginners, the simple answer is: Poe. Holiday_Remove_9581. Sep 2, 2023 · When mirostat is enabled, llama. regarding broken tokenization (has just been fixed with the latest llama. 21, 1. Repetition penalties can be used to counteract the model's tendency to repeat prompt text verbatim and/or get stuck in a loop. Combined with the increased range, this should also reduce repetition on the whole, without having to change the actual Repetition Penalty value. After this step, Vector Storage will be able to run on the existing ChromaDB backend in ST-extras, as an optional alternative to the local "Main API" backend. 8 if I want some extra variety in the responses. 00 repetition penalty as the AI will usually start to quickly repeat itself so raise that, I wouldn't go over 1. cpp) By the way. Repetition Penalty: How strongly the bot trys to avoid being repetitive. But for some characters temperature must be higher all times, so you need to experiment with each by yourself. Frequency_penalty and presence_penalty are two parameters that can be used when generating text with language models, such as GPT-3. settings in SillyTavern\public\KoboldAI Settings # Soft Prompts. Open the Extensions panel (via the 'Stacked Blocks' icon at the top of the page), paste the API URL into the input box, and click 2. 18, Range 2048, Slope 0 (same settings simple-proxy-for-tavern has been using for months) which has The files with the settings are here (SillyTavern\public\NovelAI Settings). 6-0. 5-turbo model for free, while it's pay-per-use on the OpenAI API. 07. Voted Best CRM System with Top Ranked Customer Support. 80 Repetition Penalty Range 2048 Repetition Penalty Slope 0. Model card Files Community. Add the following into the ‘Include Body Parameters’ section – repetition_penalty: 1. The Opus models are optimized for steerable story-writing, trained exclusively on (instructed) human prose (see my post on LocalLlama for details). 37! are 1. Higher values apply a harsher penalty, so setting this slider too high can result in output degradation and other undesired behavior, while too low of a setting can cause the AI Open your SillyTavern config. Ctrl+Enter = Regenerate the last AI response. 10 or 1. I've tinkered with a few setting but all that does is make the bot break or not affect anything. 0 Release! with improved Roleplay and even a proxy preset. SillyTavern 1. 85. Alt+Enter = Continue the last AI response. Use the "Image Generation" item in the extensions context menu (wand). SillyTavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact with text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create. You’ll also learn how each of these parameters helps us navigate the quality-diversity tradeoff. 37, 1. 915 Phrase Repetition Penalty Aggressive Preamble set to [ Style: chat, complex, sensory, visceral, role-play ] Nothing in "Banned Tokens" In silly tavern, should the provider endpoint then remain 127. 05. If set to float < 1, the smallest set of the # Repetition penalty. SillyTavern originated as a modification of TavernAI 1. Pen. If the character is fixated on something or repeats the same phrase, then increasing this parameter will fix it. Uncensored role-playing based on open-source models [looking for alpha testers] Hello! Some time ago I have released the weights for DreamGen Opus V0 7B and 70B. with min_p at 0. Repetition Penalty Top K Top A Tail Free Jan 16, 2024 · 4. 2 are good values. 0 : Ends every message with "The answer is: ", making it unsuitable for RP! repetition_penalty – (optional) float The parameter for repetition penalty. 15 (or 1. 37 (Also good results but !not as good as with 1. 05 SillyTavern is a fork of TavernAI 1. "Presence Penalty", "Frequency Penalty" and "Repetition Penalty" (without range) "Min Length" -- lets you force the model to generate at least min (min_length, max_tokens) tokens. So if 2048 then use 1024, and if 1024 then use 512) Download SillyTavern via Github here. How to Revert to "Advanced User". 0 by default, and better to start from 0) Prior to that, i used GPTQ models with the “divine intellect” preset, but slid the rep penalty down to 1. Lower means more cohesive, but less diverse. After you have selected the model of choice, modify the ‘Additional Parameters’ which is where you connect the API. Default to 1. Tavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create. Anything else would trigger a "free mode" to make SD generate whatever you prompted. 18, and 1. 80. Amount Generation: How much text can be generated. They are created by training the AI with a special type of prompt using a collection of input data. DreamGen supports: "Temperature", "Top P", "Top K" and "Min P". 02 Repetition Penalty Frequency 0. # Context Size. 5, top_p 1, repetition_penalty 1. Default to specicic model pad_token_id or None if it does not exist. It is not recommended to increase this parameter too much as it may break the outputs. The model I'm using most of the time by now, and which has proven to be least affected by repetition/looping issues for me, is: MythoMax-L2-13B. Repetition Penalty and Repetition Penalty Range Tavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create. 0) Out-of-Scope Use The model has not been tested for: IRC-style chat; Markdown-style roleplay (asterisks for actions, dialogue lines without LLM Frontend for Power Users. having too low or too high repetition penalty SillyTavern is a fork of TavernAI 1. conf file (located in the base install folder), and look for a line " const enableExtensions ". bos_token_id – (optional) int BOS token. I've tried some other APIs. "," Unrestricted maximum value for the context size slider. Oct 3, 2023 · Much like prompt engineering, input parameter tuning can get your model running at 110%. It is not recommended to increase this parameter too much for the chat format, as it may break this format. "," Only select models support context sizes greater than 2048 tokens. At this point they can be thought of as If so then try this settings: Amount generation: 128 Tokens. g. At this point they can be thought of as Aug 24, 2023 · SillyTavern is a powerful node. 5 Mistral 7B. 2. This should also be added to repetition penalty range, as it's seemingly limited to 2048 tokens currently. Whenever I try to use It, the bot sends the same answer, like, the exact same message 🥲 I am on Android and using an Open AI API key, all I tried was to change the options a little (like temperature and repetition penalty. it doesn't have repetition penalty settings NovelAI being annoyingly repetitive. ReMeDyIII. 1, 1. My custom stopping strings that were working before are now all nonfunctional. Repetition penalty ~1. network May 2, 2023, 2:58pm 3. html","contentType":"file SillyTavern is a fork of TavernAI 1. 10 (Compared to LLaMAv1, Llama2 appears to require a somewhat higher rep. Repetition Penality Range: 0. 2 seems to be the magic number). r/LocalLLaMA. 0 contributes to longer messages at the cost of making more assumptions?) . Let your characters shine, for their journey is your canvas. bat file (for Windows) or the start. Noromaid-v0. The main ones to know are: Temperature: how random/experimental the bot's generation is. html","path":"usage/guidebook/index. 50) Repetition Penalty: 1. Here are the insights! Goliath-120b: Temperature suggests a moderate level of creativity, while frequency and presence penalties encourage diversity without excessive repetition. Will change if I find better results. 18 turned out to be the best across the board. Repetition penalty makes no difference whatsoever. Left = swipe left. Top_p: 0. Give this a try! And if you're using SillyTavern, take a look at the settings I recommend, especially the repetition penalty settings. 29, 1. The standard value for chat is approximately 1. # Response Length. ai. repetition penalty range to max (but 1024 as default is okay) In format settings (or the big A (third tab)) Pygmalion formatting: change it to "Enable for all models". 8 in February 2023, and has since added many cutting-edge features not Dec 20, 2023 · So I would err on the side of little to no repetition penalty, if you want to fiddle with it. ) Not used: Top-P (disabled/set to 1. With adjustments to temperature and repetition penalty, the speed becomes 1. Enable only if you know"," what you're doing. 15. # Repetition penalty range The Repetition Penalty slider applies a penalty to the probability of tokens that appear in context, with those that appear multiple times being penalized more harshly. 4. MinTemp 0. Mirostat = 1 (but you need to check which is best for you. I've done a lot of testing with repetition penalty values 1. Context Size: 1124 (If you have enough VRAM increase the value if not lower it!!) Temperature: 1. 1 and no Repetition Penalty too and no problem, again, I could test only until 4K context. Additionally seems to help: - Make a very compact bot character description, using W++. Sort by: BombaShow. 15, 1. 9 and on the intro page there was a checkbox. Setting the Stage: To set your characters in motion, use the modified system prompt that mirrors your ambitions. How much text you want to generate per message. "," Increase only if you know what you're doing. I'm also getting constant repetition of very long sentences with dolphin-2. If I go much above 1. You can use these models locally in To make up for it, I lowered the temperature to 0. Draw readers in with vivid sensory details, initiate actions, and respond to your fellow roleplayers’ dialogue. top p, repetition penalty and such which are I'm using Repetition Penalty 1. It said; "ST is meant for Advanced Users. 6 and raised the repetition penalty to 1. Higher means more potential text. TL;DR: temp no higher than 1. Repetition penalty is responsible for the penalty of repeated words. I updated my recommended proxy replacement settings accordingly (see above link). This is uncommon, but if these are too repetitive, or if it is repeating phrases Repetition Penalty: 2. Mancer is a new remote-local thinger that was officially added to SillyTavern as of the last update. 3. 0) — Local typicality measures how similar the conditional probability of predicting a target token next is to the expected conditional probability of predicting a random token next, given the partial text already generated. I had a look at the api. Run the start. SillyTavern is just an interface, and must be connected to an "AI brain" (LLM, model) through an API to come alive. pen. It's all-around good, you will notice it start to repeat itself after a while, but that isn't anything a good dose of RepPen won't fix. At this point they can be thought of as completely independent programs. I like to leave a tiny bit of repetition penalty. Naive is not really useable with 1. 8 in February 2023, and has since added many cutting SillyTavern is a fork of TavernAI 1. 2) Ask about the company's expectations of new hires. 1. Soft Prompts allow you to customize the style and behavior of your AI. 5-mixtral-8x7b-GGUF Q4_K_M. Pick your AI backend from the dropdown menu and type in your API key/token if asked to. 3. • 1 mo. The default "disabled" value for those settings are: 0, 1, 1, 0. How many tokens of the chat are kept in the context at any given time. By the end of this article, you’ll be an expert on five essential input parameters — temperature, top-p, top-k, frequency penalty, and presence penalty. Would:max_new_tokens 1000, temperature 1. Way more people should be using 7b's now. SillyTavern is a fork of TavernAI 1. Extract the zip file to the folder of your choice. • 2 days ago. 8Presence Penalty=0. Reimplement the backend in ST-extras on a preferable technology. 2. Here are the steps for conducting a job interview as a helpful assistant: 1) Briefly introduce yourself and your qualifications. I checked the box and then the program finished loading. ai, get the story going and then export it as a tavern file and import it into tavern and run it using Novel. Ban EOS token = false for chat mode, for long output must be ON. ) preferably use SillyTavern as a front-end using the following Apr 19, 2023 · Yep I'm seeing same issues. what you can do, what I do a lot, is to start a character in character. • 7 mo. Higher means less repetition, obviously. sh file (for Linux or Mac) to launch the web server. 1:8020 or does it need to change to 0. It's a service that runs powerful uncensored open-source LLMs for your use. Good starting values might be: Min P: 0. To run again, simply activate the environment and run these commands. 8 which is under more active development and has added many major features. cpp and koboldcpp versions) and repetition penalty (depending on settings, the special tokens like <|im_end|> will get penalized as well) that Using OpenRouter inference data, we did an analysis on the preferred parameters in various popular open-source models. **So What is SillyTavern?** Tavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create. 2 for Pyg. adjust the repetition penalty to 1. It gives access to OpenAI's GPT-3. My Repetition Penalty is at 1 - Keep an eye on that bastard, because it SillyTavern is a fork of TavernAI 1. Aug 30, 2023 · 1. 4 to shake things up. 0), Top-K (disabled/set to 0), Typical P (disabled/set to 1. Everything else is at the default values for me. More replies. Well, yes, for extremely close prompts that were asked in a row it would output very close things and when I started talking politics, it would consistently add "Ultimately this is a blah blah blah complex question blah blah blah solved by combining blah blah blah different approaches SillyTavern is a fork of TavernAI 1. Note that NovelAI has a limit of 150 tokens per response. 8. 0 and infinity. ago. OpenHermes 2. 2023-08-30: SillyTavern 1. 15-1. cpp will sample new tokens in the following order: 1) Repetition penalties are applied 2) Frequency and presence penalties are applied 3) Temperature is sampled 4) mirostat is sampled Everything else is ignored. 7, up to 0. Tail Free Sampling 0. 1 for me. 18, Range 2048, Slope 0 (same settings simple-proxy-for-tavern has been using for months) which has fixed or improved many issues I occasionally encountered with Rep. 20) Repetition Penalty Range 2048 (didn't found any difference but i use that) Repetition Penalty Slope 0. 000 Tail Free Sampling 0. 0-1. 7. I've been using NovelAI's Kayra for about a week but I can't get a roleplay that lasts more than 15 messages without the bot looping the same word over and over again or describing something over and over again. 0 means no penalty. 66 Since I've extended the penalty range as above, I wanted to more heavily weight the recent tokens than distant tokens. Check the box for Simple Interface" or something like that. Repetition penalty - just make it higher when you see repeats in messages. Top K, Top P, Typical P, Top A - All those samplers affect the amount of tokens used at different stages of inferencing. Length Preference - values below 1 will pressure the AI to create shorter summaries, and values over 1 will incentivize the AI to create longer summaries. I also set top p and typical p both to . typical_p (float, optional, defaults to 1. It's just the same things over and over and over again. I have seen that KoboldCpp is no Tried here with KoboldCPP - Temperature 1. Tail Free Sampling - No idea. C2CRM consists of four modules that integrate to provide a comprehensive CRM solution: Relationship Management, Sales Automation, Marketing Automation, and Customer Service. py changes and reverted that code but that didn't seem to solve it, at least not the very most recent changes made 3 days ago that included the defaults in the param list, so I think it's probably not that despite my initial thoughts {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"usage/guidebook":{"items":[{"name":"index. 55 – may need wiggling up or down depending on your chat–and either Min P between 0. 8 which is under more active development, and has added many major features. Text Generation Transformers Safetensors mixtral conversational Inference Endpoints text-generation-inference. Repetition Penalty 1. Does take a little time to set up the characters in both but totally worth it if it's a character you are going to use a lot. 0. . That fixes the missing words problem, but with 0 repetition penalty range, the inherent repetitiveness manifests much earlier and stronger, so it's not really a solution as it The typical solution to fix this is the Repetition Penalty, which adds a bias to the model to avoid repeating the same tokens, but this has issues with 'false positives'; imagine a language model that was tasked to do trivial math problems, and a user always involved the number 3 in his first 5 questions. If there is still an issue, here are some other things to try: Make sure there is nothing causing the repetition in your Memory or Author’s Note. Right now, it's offering OpenAssistant ORCA 13B and Wizard-Vicuna 30B as available models. Repetition Penalty - high numbers here will help reduce the amount of repetitious phrases in the summary. Temperature: 0. 8Top P=1. You can also manually add your own settings files. 0:8020? (Similar to above, hosting on Windows pc and connecting via Android on local network) Working on the pc, but can't connect via Android. That eliminated the thesaurus problem. 0 temp I start to get really nonsense responses, wheras I could usually go to about 1. if the "<START> is anoying, check "Disable chat start formatting". Example: /sd apple tree would generate a picture of an apple tree. 2 – top_k: 1 – transforms: [‘middle-out’] Before anyone asks, my experimented settings areMax Response Length = 400Temperature=0. 6, Min-P at 0. Higher values make the output less repetitive. 05 and 1, or one of the Mirostat presets. Make sure that line has " = true ", and not " = false ". Brought to you by Cohee, RossAscends, and the SillyTavern community, SillyTavern is a local-install interface that allows you to interact with text generation AIs (LLMs) to chat and roleplay with custom characters. Oct 19, 2023 · Finally, suboptimal results with these ChatML-based models could also have other causes - there have been multiple issues, e. Since Reddit is not the place to make bug reports, I thought to create this issue. CRM Management includes Sales, Marketing, Relationship Management, and Help Desk. Type a /sd (argument) slash command with an argument from the Generation modes table. a. tau, eta, repeat-last-n, repeat-penalty, presence-penalty, and frequency-penalty parameters will Start your SillyTavern server. Interesting question that pops here quite often, rarely at least with the most obvious answer: lift the repetition penalty (round 1. It follows markdown suprisingly well, is pretty descriptive, you can tell it doesn't quite understand people and actions but it's pretty good at faking it. 1 and repetition penalty at 1. - Include example chats in advanced edit. 11. Repetition penalty range also makes no difference. Try KoboldCPP with the GGUF model and see if it persists. To add your own settings, simply add the file . I usually set the temp to about 0. 3 (llama. 3) <multiple paragraphs of more nonsense from Betty>. Open the Extensions panel (via the 'Stacked Blocks' icon at the top of the page), paste the API URL into the input box, and click "Connect" to connect to the Extras extension server. 4-Mixtral-Instruct-8x7b-Zloss. 02000 Repetition Penalty Presence 0. By the way, my repetition/looping issues have completely disappeared since using MythoMax-L2-13B with SillyTavern's "Deterministic" generation settings preset and the new "Roleplay" instruct mode preset with these settings and the adjusted repetition penalty. 5, MaxTemp 4, and Repetition Penalty Aug 25, 2023 · Add an option to unlock the repetition penalty and temperature sliders, like what already exists with token length. 85Frequency Penalty=0. then I start tweaking the repetition penalty Repetition Penalty Curve: 6. "," What is SillyTavern? Brought to you by Cohee, RossAscends, and the SillyTavern community, SillyTavern is a local-install interface that allows you to interact with text generation AIs (LLMs) to chat and roleplay with custom characters. That's actually fascinating to see, since in my testing I did not encounter almost any signs of repetition. 2023-08-19: After extensive testing, I've switched to Repetition Penalty 1. License: cc-by-nc-4. 69. And repetition penalty = shorter sentences, less likely to go Tavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create. At this point they can be thought of as Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Start your SillyTavern server. Fixed Repetition Penalty being improperly sent Up = Edit last message in chat. Standard KoboldAI settings files are used here. Under API Connections -> Text Completion -> KoboldCpp, the API Response Configuration window is still missing the "Repetition Penalty Slope" setting. Ctrl+Up = Edit last USER message in chat. WizardMath-13B-V1. pad_token_id – (optional) int Padding token. Disable all other samplers (note, hover your mouse over each sampler to determine if 0 = disabled or 1 = disabled since it varies. Describe alternatives you've considered Repetition Penalty 2. Definitely use Dynamic Temp if you aren't already. You can keep temperature in 0. Frequency_penalty: This parameter is used to discourage the model from repeating the same words or phrases too frequently within the generated text. May 19, 2021 · ericks. If the character is fixated on something or repeats the same phrase, then increasing this parameter will (likely) fix it. 2 across 15 different LLaMA (1) and Llama 2 models. I use android by the way. To be realistically doable, the new backend The words go missing when repetition penalty prevents the model from outputting the tokens, so by setting penalty range 0 and regenerating, it can output them again. I downloaded and installed Silly Tavern 1. Upped to Temperature 2. 5 - 3 Repetition Penalty Range: 720-1024 (Use half or lower to catch any memories or lorebook entries. Things move fast and the focus is on 7b or mixtral so recent 7b's now are much better then most of the popular 13b's Vary your sentence structure, your sentence length, and your word usage. Do the same with your image generation backend. ), and use another API keys, like Kobold (I failed) and Poe (which didn't even worked). 8 range if you satisfied with replies, and when it starts to get boring you can crank up to 1. Add %. "," **So What is SillyTavern?** Tavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create. Set this by dividing the advanced context-setting budget token in half. Add support for this new "vectordb" Extras API to the Vector Storage frontend. This will encourage the AI to do the same. 10. 5 alpha_value is enough?Should I go for 16k or 32k context?What instruction templates preset is best for roleplay? I was told I should use "ChatLM". 85, and that got me the best results overall, but usually still fell into the repetition penalty somewhere around a 3k token conversation. js software that enriches your writing and roleplaying experience. 07 for everything. 3f to allow for another decimal place for Typical. After selecting a model you still need to make some minor changes in SillyTavern. Right = swipe right (NOTE: swipe hotkeys are disabled when chatbar has something typed into it) Enter (with chat bar selected) = send your message to AI. 1 (model talking as user from the start, high context models being too dumb, repetition/looping). 10 unless AI really is getting stale and repeating themselves. I personally usually like the repetition penalty the same as shortwave at 1. Some pointers -. 0, Min-P at 0. 5 (exl2) or 1. How to generate an image. This is accomplished by adjusting the token probabilities at each generation step, such that tokens that already appeared in the text (either in the prompt or in the completion) are less likely to be generated again. It's not my absolute favorite for intelligence In my experience, repetition in the outputs are an everyday occurance with "greedy decoding" This sampling, used in speculative decoding, generates unusable output, 2-3x faster. Honestly, a lot of them will not get you the results you are looking for. Start your SillyTavern server. And yea, I use Miqu quite intensively. (I think top-k 1. 0 - 1. 1, repetition_penalty_range 2048 work? Also, these are not instructed models, right? I should check Mode as chat only, yes? SillyTavern is a fork of TavernAI 1. Desktop Information. 05 and no Repetition Penalty at all, and I did not have any weirdness at least through only 2~4K context. Between 1. Set to 1 and nudge up from there as needed. Maybe give that a try, too. xw tk iv zb wn br rq ba dz vy