
Filament change gcode klipper not working

Filament change gcode klipper not working. G5: Bézier cubic spline. May 7, 2020 · The Filament Change plugin consists of adding a single line that is the M600 command and it gets inserted at the target layer. 1 ( depends on the filament). Second problem, it picks up the stray bits of filament on the way back when it purges the second line and then drags it to the print site. [gcode_macro PAUSE] rename_existing: BASE_PAUSE gcode: {% set E = params. •. cfg: [virtual_sdcard] path: ~/gcode_files. You are effectively telling the printer to move the extruder motor to the 100mm point. # communication. In this step, you have to make the settings for the script. After filament has. Expected results. # * 'T' - the integer index of the extruder # * 'PRESET' - the filament preset that was just assigned to th extruder # * 'LAST_PRESET' - the filament preset that was previously assigned to the extruder, if any #on_clear_filament Dec 18, 2021 · QUERY_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=filament_sensor always returns Recv: // Filament Sensor filament_sensor: filament detected I have checked that SET_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=filament_sensor ENABLE=1 is enabled. ”. wait for user input on the lcd. Try as I might, nothing worked from the Firmware Retraction settings on the browser. log As per previous posts, I am trying to build a MMU. Configuration_adv. Py ". I have four filament sensors on a secondary MCU and all of them are failing to detect a change in filament state, even when unplugged. G11: Recover. # V2. Layer: Here you determine the layer at which the new filament is to be used. filament_change module defined, filament menu is not enabled. However, if motors were disabled by M18 or M84, SET_STEPPER_ENABLE STEPPER= [stepper name] ENABLE=1 You can have this working with other slicers including Creality Print (for the Creality Print software I guess you would just need to edit the G-Code and insert the M600). Or make an additional simple generic module with constants and filament standard menu will use these as parameters. 0 Configuration. Add an extruder in your printer config. The file is "C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4. Then just click the Resume print button on the web interface to continue printing. Using G92 will upset any following code, though, because it loses the current cumulative value, and you'd need to edit in another G92 after the filament change to restore it. ;PARK, FILAMENT_LOAD2, and CONTINUE macro's replaced with Slicer settings ;PARK ACTIVATE_EXTRUDER EXTRUDER=[tool_name] ;FILAMENT_LOAD2 ;CONTINUE During a filament swap, I decided to add some extra G-code that provides the following functions: Nov 8, 2022 · Thankfully, g-codes are really easy, they are straightforward and unambiguous, As an example, here is the filament_load macro I use: [gcode_macro FILAMENT_LOAD] gcode: M83 # Put the extruder into relative mode. G28: Auto Home. Updated Mar 19, 2022. cfg file and input the command [include macros. The default is not to run any G-Code commands. 0-222-g7c0559c6-dirty (and v0. unload filament. A lot of things can be done in either the slicer or firmware, its up to Aug 7, 2022 · use a gode viewer to view the gcode print file you want to print and find the layer you want to change filaments at ( i used https://gcode. G10: Retract. Set the retraction amounts in Klipper firmware. Just to clarify, I intend to make the M600 command as close as possible to the Marlin equivalent, so my end goal is. 2. This line is part of my Custom Start gcode. ; Pre-Processed for Cancel-Object support by preprocess_cancellation v0. Typically you would use something like: ~/gcode_files. Mercifully, they did recently make it a lot easier , which shows the Klipper maintainers do value usability/ease-of-use, and are actively changing things to address this. [gcode_macro M600] description: Filament change. It feels like the extruder has no time to complete the unretraction. This macro will pause the printer, move the tool to the change position, and retract the filament 50mm. cfg] Add the following section in your moonraker. Oct 18, 2021 · I use a direct drive, so disabling an extruder motor for a filament change would be very handy. Oct 26, 2018 · I think this is the next big thing to embbed in klipper the materail properties like what you said but also Esteps and even more maybe let the gcode parser to slpit the code like only the exterior walls would be like multi-material or multi-color based on the calculated hotend position and for infill it will be only one material or the purge for the material transitions. Afterwards you print the "stars" with a 0. No toolchange or filament change gcode should be inserted. This is not an official Klipper support channel and poorly moderated so ymmv. I checked the gcode and G10 and G11 were happily in the proper spots, too. 0. With option 2 you can use the tuning tower command to easily find the retraction settings that work for you. Dec 9, 2023 · Custom klipper. It has been a while since I used the stock firmware on my 2s, but as I recall, the stock firmware doesn't support the change filament gcode. g90. Some users prefer only to purge enough to get the nozzle ready, and some users prefer to purge enough to change a filament color before a print. Change filament – Triggers the G-code (M600) for changing the filament before the printer starts printing the chosen layer My printer is an ender 3 with a bltouch and skr mini e3 1. Accelerometer is in the mail. With 5 extruder steppers and a bunch of switches to detect filament position. G1 E30 F300 ; load. 'extruder', 'extruder1' etc. I did several experiments for tracking the problem. 1-740-g25e493ef) What am i doing : slice test object and define 3 colors part; Set "PAUSE" into color change gcode; Sending gcode from Superslicer to Octoprint waiting for first PAUSE : it works send RESUME from Octoprint or LCD print restart waiting for second PAUSE : it does not work; no signs Feb 16, 2024 · Copy and paste the Klipper setup code from Justin’s site in this configuration file. If "MOVE_SPEED" is specified then the toolhead move will be performed with the given speed (in mm/s); otherwise the toolhead move will use the last specified G-Code speed. Jan 16, 2024 · theophile January 16, 2024, 6:38pm 5. Sep 17, 2018 · Just to make filament menu with standard values and everyone can overload it with own menu. Jan 19, 2023 · There are two separate ways to trigger a filament change in Cura. Add a Comment. 0 G1 E100 F1000 G1 E140 F200 G92 E0. resume the print. reheat the extruder to the previous print temperature and wait till up to temp. Any interaction with the printer, e. org /r/klippers -- a place to discuss all things related to the Klipper 3d Printer Firmware. My fundamental problem was not understanding that I needed to make the change in Klipper, even though I am using Cura/USB stick to print. This introduces the G27 command, which moves the nozzle into a position where it's safe to change filament and where it doesn't matter when filament oozes out of the nozzle. Exported your part as stl, opened a fresh Prusaslicer, drag your stl to build plate. After adding the code to the printer. Enter the correct layer numer here. g. Jan 10, 2023 · These parameters are passed # to the gcode: # * 'EXTRUDER' - the name of the extruder. 1\plugins\PostProcessingPlugin\scripts\ FilamentChange. And to load new filament, again assumes that your nozzle is heated to the desired temp: [gcode_macro LOAD_FILAMENT] gcode: M83 ; set extruder to relative. Im using M600 to trigger a filament change when my sensor detects an outage. pause the print. Klipper's goal is to support the G-Code commands produced by common 3rd party software (eg, OctoPrint, Printrun, Slic3r, Cura, etc. This macro will pause the printer, move the # tool to the change position, and retract the filament 50mm. , you have an absolute smooth surface. Jan 6, 2023 · READ ME FIRST :) !!!In this quick tutorial, I will show you how to change your filament mid-print using the "Filament change" script in Cura slicer. No need to alter the printer. Adjust the retraction settings for your own extruder. somewhere in your runout macro and then set it back after (like during your load_filament or resume macros) That was when you are paused for a runout you can increase the idle_timeout to give you more time for the filament change. G17-G19: CNC Workspace Planes. Slicers will often allow one to configure "Start G-Code" and "End G-Code" sequences. FILAMENT) } executed as TF2 FILAMENT="hello" does work, for example. Single extruder multimaterial No purging or ramming enabled Line 125, 126, 127 should not be there. To get around this, gcode_macro to the rescue: Found a helpful soul on the klipper discord and helped with the script and this is how the scripts look: [gcode_macro F_CONSUMED] variable_filament_consumed: 0. ago. ws/) use a text editor (i use notepad++) to edit the GCode file you want to print. # tool to the change position, and retract the filament 50mm. Adjust detection_length to change the sensitivity. X|default It is all working great. G2-G3: Arc or Circle Move. I recommend starting with 10mm to prevent false positives from flow dropoff, bowden slack, etc. But how do you set up your start G-code for Klipper? This article will explain everything you need to know, from the basics of G-code commands to the best practices for Klipper start G-code. #event_delay: 3. gcode: PAUSE Z_MIN=50. G20: Inch Units. cfg to leave printer. You can then place files in that folder or use the mainsail interface (or moonraker) to upload files to that folder. #insert_gcode: # A list of G-Code commands to execute after a filament insert is # detected. to work during colour change while the UNLOAD_FILAMENT macro should work alone as well. switch_pin: !PC15. Note that a smart filament sensor only works when the filament is moving (or not) during extrusion. We only have one extrusion system with multiple extruder steppers. 0 # Reset the extruder so that it thinks it is at position zero. Manually I could do it by right clicking on a specific layer in the preview part of OrcaSlicer and then adding custom gcode. runout_gcode: PAUSE. wait for 15 seconds to make sure I have enough time to feed in the filament. ) in their standard configurations. SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=F_CONSUMED VARIABLE=filament_consumed VALUE See docs/Command_Templates. This macro will pause the printer, move the. add a line " @pause " , this will invoke a pause as though you If yours works like that you need to first shift the extruder into relative motion with an M83 command, or zero the current E value with G92 E0. in cura you can modify the flow at the already printed text via "per Jan 15, 2024 · Basic Information: Printer Model: Ender 5 MCU / Printerboard: SKR mini E3 klippy. 3 first layer f. Adjust # the retraction settings for your own extruder. It is not a goal to support every possible G-Code command. &hellip; Feb 3, 2023 · This file will contain all the information related to your macros. I would like to use a Gcode button to monitor a switch and then use one of the extruder motors to push or Dec 14, 2021 · Klipper : v0. load the filament. Just uncomment these lines: Configuration. Answered by SoftFever on May 26, 2023. This Step 4: Adjust the Script Settings. De la même manière, la sortie du terminal G-Code est uniquement destinée à être humainement lisible - voir le document du serveur API si vous contrôlez Klipper depuis un logiciel externe. Apr 29, 2021 · Hi all, I have recently got introduced to Klipper and I was impressed by the features that it provides, so I decided to install Klipper on my Ender 5 pro (was Marlin). It will not extract the filament due to the K1 Retract filament. variable_filament_lenght: 200 # length between the sensor and extruder. 6 # # Sourcecode maintenance due to Klipper updates. I did that a few times before upgrading to Marlin then klipper. 1. Each of the feeders is a Klipper “extruder stepper” and the direct-drive extruder is the “extruder. The coding/scripting proving to be much more difficult than anticipated. Pause at height – Pauses the print at the chosen height (or layer), allowing you to change the filament and continue the printing process afterward. This should be around line 1502. After initial load the filament change gcode is called. Check Klipper out on discord, discourse, or Klipper3d. 8. May 25, 2023 · g92 e0. Now some other gcode that is run (like TEMPERATURE_WAIT) causes this delayed gcode to be blocked. *I also tried the pre-loaded machine G-codes that are added by default when configuring a new machine in Orca, and even those didnt work. v0. gcode: Mar 31, 2023 · Here is a list of some of the most common G-code commands supported by Klipper, along with an explanation of what each command does. gcode: # save current filament consumption. change temperature or use a filament load/unload macro will disable the IDLE state. How to reproduce. With these you can use the "Change Filament Au contraire, Klipper préfère les ["commandes G-Code étendues"] (#additional-commands) humainement lisibles. Printer is halted. Saving and restoring the g-code state is useful in scripts and macros. MrHM_. Feb 11, 2022 · Klipper built-in gcode_macro [ACTIVATE_EXTRUDER] no longer functions as previous. ##### Filament Change ##### M600: Filament Change. Open a gcode file in fluidd and look for the EXCLUDE_OBJECT_DEFINE gcode command and post what it says here. as /home/pi/klipper_config/m600. See docs/Command_Templates. It means, i cannot use it in macro during print. And I need to know how this is done automatically. I put in the m600 macro from here and added into my filament menu a filament change option that just sends M600 to change the filament. #define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE. G6: Direct Stepper Move. G27: Park toolhead. : G92 E0 G1 E100 F150 G92 E0. I am copying the macro from the klipper github which is: # M600: Filament Change. However, G Code SET_STEPPER_ENABLE does not disable or enable stepper motors after homing is done. Open the “Extensions” tab at the top of the Cura toolbar. I even set the retraction to 10mm and 1mm/sec and never got a change. LOAD_FILAMENT and UNLOAD_FILAMENT are also hidden. Jan 6, 2022 · The problem is not the number at the end - but if it is a single character followed by a number, then it is parsed as a traditional style command: [gcode_macro TF2] gcode: { action_respond_info(params. This week My project was getting my filament runout sensor (which is just a micro switch) to work so I don't have to worry about runouts. That said, I would suggest you just skip the insert_gcode entirely and instead manually run RESUME after your filament is loaded. facultative: activate the wipe tower (print->multiple->wipe), do have a better wipe after the filament swap. Klipper can help you and your machine produce beautiful prints at a fraction of the time. These instructions allow you to condition your Extruder, make space for cleaning the built plate prior to printing and so on. 11. Oct 9, 2023 · SET_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=SFS_T0 ENABLE=1. more reply. Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART" command to reload the config and restart the host software. Click on “Modify G-Code”. I have 6 stepper motors, each configured in a typical bowden setup, except these 6 “feeders” all feed into a 6-in-1-out “splitter,” which feeds into a direct-drive setup at the hotend. G0 moves the print head at maximum speed, while G1 moves the print head at a specified speed. Unfortunately, every time you change something on these instructions in your Slicer, you may have to re-slice parts that you Dec 14, 2023 · It is very difficult to extrude some filament and clean the nozzle during filament change then, because the nozzle is only a few mm above the bed. 2nd Update: After I get reports from user's that this does not work, during further debug I found out that I missed an important fact in my thoughts. . I could solve problem 2 and 3 by adding a move to a park position before the pause. After filament has # been changed, the print can be resumed from its previous position # with the "RESUME" gcode. You embossed the white right? if you flip the white text 180° (and the "bodys" as well of course), then you print it first with 1 or 2 layers at 0. Instead, Klipper prefers human readable "extended G-Code commands". h. The BTT sensor “ticks” every 7mm. SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT=7200 ; Increase idle timeout. Mar 20, 2023 · so my M600 is only. Whether you want to preheat your nozzle, home your axes, or perform a mesh bed leveling, you'll find the right tips I finally got multicolor printing working like a charm! Some were asking for the configuration, so here it is. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find useful tips and tricks to optimize your prints. Result: No M600. Go to the printer settings -> enable advanced -> Machine G-code -> Pause G-code. Feb 23, 2024 · Do you want to combine the power of Cura and Klipper to enhance your 3D printing experience? Learn how to set up and configure these two software tools to work together in this easy tutorial. Turn off the extruder heater. Adjust. #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE. So let's enable that. Sort by: TubeMeister. Best you could do is pause the print at the right layer and change the filament while it is paused. I don't know if I'm just doing something wrong or what. [gcode_macro UNLOAD_FILAMENT] despription:Filament Unload. G12: Clean the Nozzle. Feb 8, 2022 · I’ve had these macros in my printer. # been changed, the print can be resumed from its M82. I see this has been asked many times but no clear answer other than a per-filament GCODE, supported by SuperSlicer but not Cura. # # v0. BUT you can easily enable these when you compile your own firmware. The console showed the change, the Get_Retraction command showed the change, the machine just ignored it. Learn how to change filament mid-print on an Ender 3 (V2/Pro/S1)! Switching filaments allows you to use multiple filaments in a single print. Dec 11, 2023 · Filament motion sensors are non-trivial devices to implement and difficult to create a good working model but I think they would be useful IFF it could detect no filament movement (filament has run out) before the filament that is remaining between the filament motion sensor and the extruder stepper is used up by the current gcode command. G2/G3: These commands create arcs by specifying the Filament change M600: Filament Change. e. cfg file, the printer is now handling the filament change pause just as expected. RESUME. One thing I'd like to do is automatically change Z Offset based on what kind of filament I'm using. UNLOAD_FILAMENT. Pressure advance, bedscrew assistant, macros are just awesome. Mar 26, 2022 · After each retract, there is a short time, where no filament is extruded. This is the same behaiviour of other UIs. Old Printer? Cheap Printer? New Printer? Bad Prints? Great Prints? Klipper can help you and your machine produce beautiful prints at a fraction of the time. Something like this: [filament_switch_sensor RunoutSensor] pause_on_runout: False. 5 KB. G4: Dwell. It is often convenient to define custom macros in the Klipper config file instead - such as: [gcode_macro START_PRINT] and [gcode_macro END_PRINT]. cfg] Save the file and restart the firmware. Jun 11, 2021 · Changed printer to all prusa presets I have installed, plus some of my own, changed print and filament. My UM2 did not initiate the filament change and an inspection of the ge Hidden by the interface. SAVE_GCODE_STATE¶ SAVE_GCODE_STATE [NAME=<state_name>]: Save the current g-code coordinate parsing state. cfg file. [pause_resume] [gcode_macro M600] gcode: {% set X = params. I have set up cura settings as follows. I think I've got most of it working, the issue I'm having is trying to figure out There you click “Add a script” and then select “Pause at Height”. Select “Post-Processing” from the dropdown menu. Actual results. You need to reset the origin before issuing the G1 command, e. Most printer firmwares support M601 or M25 to pause the Wanna try out Orcaslicer but am having trouble converting my Cura start g-code to one Orcaslicer will accept. night_fall_2. I can verify that the basic configuration is correct because the firmware can Enable/Disable motor and Extrude/Retract fillamet by the correct distance when Thanks so much all for the guidance. 2021 v0. With this macro the filament should unload with a nice clean tip that can be loaded back in again without any trimming. ScienceRabbit. Jul 17, 2020 · In the Marlin 2. How could I modify the start gcode to purge more filament, and only one thick line? Jun 13, 2023 · Trying to get M600 to work. choose a new color for the second extruder (click on the color on the extruder line, in top right), and you can Option 2. [gcode_macro FILAMENT_LOAD] gcode: M83 G92 E0. I have restarted Klipper, the pi, everything! But it didn’t work at all. This worked for both 4(since max was 4 i used so [3] was the 4th one) as well as 99. Edit: It is also a good idea to reset the origin after the For starters, here is the relevant config section: [respond] [filament_switch_sensor filament_sensor] pause_on_runout: True switch_pin: PE15 insert_gcode: RESPOND MSG="Filament insert detected" runout_gcode: RESPOND MSG="Filament runout detected". Filament Change | Marlin Firmware. • 2 mo. /r/klippers -- a place to discuss all things related to the Klipper 3d Printer Firmware. Honestly, Klipper is a bit difficult, yeah, although probably not purposely so. Save and close the file. [update_manager klipper-macros] type: git_repo. Switching filaments allows you to use multiple filaments in a single print. [pause_resume] I am using Klipper, Trying to print multi color print using my Ender3 V2 and getting "Must home axis first" once I hit on resume button after filament change. Klippy starts up without issue, so I don't think I have any syntax errors in the config. Set all print settings and slice the object. 0-320-g7e654aed. 5 # # - added ability to prevent nozzle cooldown # # Save this file f. Klipper will still ignore the M0 command but the script will then run the PAUSE command, allowing you to do your filament change. Open the printer. Mar 29, 2023 · Klipper is a powerful firmware that can boost your 3D printing performance and quality. The tuning tower command used to be horrendously difficult to use. #define NOZZLE_PARK_FEATURE. insert_gcode: G4 S60 # Wait 60 seconds. G26: Mesh Validation Pattern. G92 E0. h file, the first thing to locate is the NOZZLE_PARK_FEATURE option. cfg settings, fine tune printer. G21: Millimeter Units. Creality has since added support for the M600 command to the Sonic Pad’s firmware, so you can just figure out which layer you want to make the change at, and use Extensions —> Post Processing —> Filament Change to have Cura insert the Marlin M600 command for the filament change at the desired layer. Any help appreciate it. {filament_start_gcode[4]} {filament_start_gcode[99]} Doing that I learned that 0 is the first selected, 1 is the second, etc. default_parameter_EXTRUDER_TEMP: 210. add M600 to the toolchange gcode. Result: M600. Enable Cura retraction, enable Cura firmware retraction, set printer. @stratiegery01. Also, SuperSlicer with Klipper G-Code flavor inserts a ACTIVATE_EXTRUDER method whenever there is a change in the extruder, so this is also broken. Anyway, the virtual_sdcard feature tells Klipper where to look for gcode files. Select “Pause at Height purge_amount: This is the amount in millimeters of filament material you wish to purge prior to a print beginning. md for G-Code format. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Oct 16, 2023 · My Macro is now working great, I can do now 4 test prints with them and I don’t have to reslice every time, only to change the Temperature, because I have a new filament to print :), I outsourced it to other files and put them in a folder, to keep the printer config nice and tidy. Jan 14, 2023 · Pmanton Jan 15, 2023. If it is already at that point, nothing will happen (unless relative movement mode has been selected). Klipper Config Reference. conf file. G0/G1: This command moves the print head to a specified location. Mine is as follows:;Tool Change g-code. Usually the slicer would tell the printer to pause with G-code M601 or M25 and it's up to the the printer's firmware to do the rest. 1. In the "Pause at height" script settings, just enter "PAUSE" in the "G-code After Pause" text field. M107. All gcode_macros with the attribute rename_existing are hidden , because these are default Klipper Gcodes and these should be implemented in KlipperScreen itself with buttons already. first_layer_temperature and first_layer_temperature are vectors, so you will need [] to Mar 19, 2022 · Ender 3 (V2/Pro/S1): How to Change Filament Mid-print. 889×458 77. The most important setting is of course the layer count at which the new filament should be printed. cfg nice and clean # then use [include /home/pi/klipper_config/M600 Dec 8, 2022 · Add in the appropriate Tool change G-code. cfg. Here's my config, with all the unrelated macros removed. The # default is not to run any G-Code commands, which disables insert # detection. Unfortunately this did not work. Here is the config file: [gcode_macro START_PRINT] default_parameter_BED_TEMP: 40. So there is a timer or something if the printer is parked for a little while, and i cannot seem to find it in the config file. When the filament is inserted. All I need is to find out how to run this command in the 2nd or 3rd layer. If some are interested, I can share it here, just let me know For further details on the above commands see the RepRap G-Code documentation. 0 # The minimum amount of time in seconds to delay Something like this in your printer. But problem 1, the repeating of the last few GCode lines I could not solve. Deleted your part from your file, added a box, and same as above. Example of a filament switching request in Prusa Slicer: Klipper gcode_macro. Smart Filament Sensor . Copy and paste the Klipper setup code from Justin’s Github page in the macro file. Everything seems fine and works as expected, except the extruder. So yeah For all intents and purposes you can just Jan 22, 2021 · Hi all, I just tried to add a material change at a certain Z height to my g-code by using the post processing script "Filament Change" from the Extensions->Post processing menu in Cura 4. After that the normal M0 command and also the M600 command work flawlessly. Check 'single extruder multimaterial' just below. # the retraction settings for your own extruder. Click on “Add a script” in the window that opened. Search for "Layer" and find the layer you want to stop at. Hopefully someone else finds it useful. prime the extruder. G0-G1: Linear Move. To use this config, during "make menuconfig" select the. Also any number OVER the max filament you have defaults to the gcode for filament 0. 9. After filament has been changed, the print can be resumed from its previous position with the "RESUME" gcode. This is the G-code the slicer will use for pauses. Welcome to R/3D Printing Nov 22, 2021 · If delayed gcode is scheduled to be run in 5 seconds, but doesn’t run for 20 minutes because TEMPERATURE_WAIT is blocking it, this is a problem. How "Filament Change" works is dependent on 3 things: 1. 10. This macro will pause the printer and move the tool to the change position. For example, lets say delayed gcode is used to implement some custom control loop. It can be made so that when theres no const. #----- # NO RESPONSE TAKEN FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY MOM ;) #----- # # # 09. First problem, it doesn't extrude enough filament, and most of the purging occurs at the skirt layers. Then one can just run START_PRINT and END_PRINT in the slicer's configuration. The only solution to solve it is an independent controlled variable. Type in the following command at the bottom of the file: [include macros. cfg since I started playing with klipper and I don’t even remember which config example I copied them from. There are syntax errors in your start g-code. by Jackson O'Connell. May 8, 2021 · It is good practice to have a Start- and End-GCode added to your GCode files by the Slicer. All experiments have been made on an RPI 4 with the latest klipper version: git describe --tags. After some testing, the default amount to purge is 30 millimeters of material. If # pause_on_runout is set to True this G-Code will run after the # PAUSE is complete. I'm using g-code from a GitHub repository so it also has Superslicer g-code but that didn't work either, also took a look at the bambu-studio placeholder list and the Superslicer code seemed to use the right placeholders at least but still doesn't work. sy mj cz bt tr hp uw ws uz yv